Dear Mama: 4 Therapy Styles For Healing The Mother-Daughter Relationship
Mom, mommy, mama, ma, madre, or however you call your mother, this relationship is foundational to a sense of self and survival. A unique blend of love, nurturance, and emotional connection usually defines the mother-daughter relationship. The mother-daughter relationship is a complex and multifaceted bond that significantly influences emotional well-being and sense of self. It is a primary source of identity formation and shapes a daughter's beliefs about herself, relationships, and the world. While the mother-daughter relationship usually signifies nurturance and love, this isn’t everyone's experience. Mama drama is a state of conflict in the mother-daughter dyad resulting from deeper parental wounds. When there are parental wounds in this relationship, it can greatly impact the daughter's development and overall life experiences. A parental wound refers to emotional scars...